Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Patient's Journal: by David Morgan

Battling Stigma. By David Morgan.

Why must I battle stigma? What did I do wrong? Or what have I not done, to deserve discrimination and disrespect? I have not committed a crime, I have hurt no one. I am a man with a purpose who walks tall and braves the elements.

Weathering the storm of mental illness is a stigma that can be only be handled with an umbrella of compromise. My understanding of mental health is that it is well being that can be strengthened by medication, exercise and nutrition. It is not fair to say I don’t feel angry at times but the inquisition of horror and misunderstanding has plagued the topic of mental disabilities, probably since they were first recognized.

Isn't it also enough to say that the disability of anxiety cripples most Americans at one point in their lives? Most will say yes now, since 20% of all visits to the doctor are from anxiety disorders. For those who say no, I say give me a room full of students without prior knowledge of a pop quiz and I’ll show you teens who need to change their underwear. Or convince me that the stress of the American way of doing business doesn’t make millions dysfunctional every year.

So what is it about the stigma of brain disorders that Americans can’t shake? The fact is, at least 20 million of us are in need of counseling services each year! That also happens to be a lot more than the estimated number who do seek help after the illness disrupts their ability to function. That is a lot of treatment and care not received.  I thank God that I am among the 6 million who can honestly say I went and benefited from treatment.

So stigma do your worst because my determination, intelligence and tax dollars will fight back.
I leave you with this thought: please recognize your symptoms and surroundings and ask yourself are you one of the 20 million in need of help? There is no reason to be afraid to seek it.

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