Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On Living A Positive Life

By Karie Bayal

"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror"

Our quality of life and peace of mind depends more on perspective, attitude, and positive actions than our circumstances. And new research shows that having a positive outlook can add years to your life (see article below).

Some points to ponder:

How do you feel when you’re around someone who has a consistently negative, critical, and cynical attitude? You probably make an attempt to NOT be around them.

Are there some major negative issues in your life that you’ve “swept under the rug" to avoid dealing with them? How can you change yourself to change the situation?  Take an inventory. What are some of the personal strengths you can build upon that will move you in a positive direction?

Sometimes our attitude is so bad that we don’t even want to be around ourselves. Have you ever had a perspective that was so negative and critical that you poisoned yourself as well as your most important relationships?  Reflect on this and think of how you could have handled things differently.

If you're suffering from a bad case of negativity, here are some sure-fire cures to get your thoughts and actions moving down a positive path –

  • S-M-I-L-E: Our facial expression is usually a reflection of what we're feeling inside. Even if you don’t feel happy inside, fake it until you feel it.
  • Seek out positive people. It’s hard to be unhappy when everyone around you is happy and well-adjusted.
  • Say "thank you" often:  when we take others for granted and focus on their faults, our view of them -and their view of us – crumbles quickly. Appreciate their good qualities and express gratitude whenever possible.
  • Forgive and forget quickly: unresolved anger and grudges impact us and others negatively. Even if you have to swallow your pride and do the hard work, work things out now, not later. 
  • Be productive: instead of moaning, groaning and complaining about how bad things are, ACT. Inaction is a breeding ground for negativity.
  • Choose your words carefully: what we say has a tremendous impact on how we feel and how others feel about us. Do your words make you feel more or less positive?
  • Cheer someone else up: if you're feeling sorry for yourself, find someone who really has a problem and help them see life through the eyes of hope again. It will make you feel great inside as well.
An improved attitude and more rewarding life can begin today by doing this exercise in positivity:

Our perspective is so fundamental to our quality of life that sometimes we need to get back to basics. Before you laugh at this activity as being childish, ask yourself “when was the last time I really gave myself an attitude check?”

Go to a craft store or the school supply section of a retail outlet. Buy note cards and stickers -especially gold stars. Label a note card for every day of the coming week. Every time you find yourself expressing a positive thought, attitude or action, add a star to the card. When you express something negative, add a frowning face or some other sad sticker.

At the end of the week, take a look and see how you're doing. Were you pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised? Where did you see room for improvement? Never forget that you have a significant amount of control over how you feel about things.

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